martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Organic food camberley

The creation of genetically modified animals the altering of an animal?s genetic codes to make sure that it displays only the expected characteristics and do not possess any undesirable qualities. This is done by the addition of genes from other species, the deletion of undesirable genes or modifying the existing genes to bring certain traits forward. Though chimeras and cross breeds have been pretty much a staple in science fiction novels, nowadays, it is a wide known fact. The popular techniques to create genetically modified animals include pro-nuclear micro-injection, embryonic stem-cell manipulation and nuclear transfer. Genetically modified animals such as rabbits, cows, goats, pigs, rats, mice and cats are created with these techniques to arm them to serve their expected purposes.Pest resistance is one of the prominent benefits of genetically modified foods. Due to insects and pests, farmers lose a lot of money and lose a lot of crop globally. The aggregated loss is gi gantic when it comes to the global level. Therefore, the genetically modified foods were introduced with the characteristics of pest resistance. As an example, some plants and flowers are pest resistant by nature. The scientists have taken the gene responsible for making such plants pest resistant and have added it to the foods we eat. Then the foods get the pest resistant ability, while producing more crops. In addition to that, the farmer is at advantage as he / she does not have to spend on chemicals and mechanisms for pest control. On the other hand, the consumers receive clean and healthy foods that have not been in touch with deadly chemicals not to mention Organic food camberley.The major disadvantage is the speculation that these pesticides and resilient genes can pass on to consumers to create u desirable conditions for them such as allergies, diseases and cancer. Though any of these effec ts are yet to be proven or actually reported, genetically engineered food continues to stock up super market aisles and to be purchased over natural foods. Nowadays, over 65 percent of food items are genetically engineered food or made with popular genetically enhanced components such as corn, rapeseed (canola) or soy. Even though reports exist that laboratory animals that have been fed genetically engineered food have suffered considerable organ damage and illnesses, humans are apparently immune to these effects. But the speculation hasn?t died that it may affect the future generations and their genetic makeup.

It is estimated that over 70 of the processed foods in the United States contain some form of genetically modified ingredients , in light of these revelations it is about time we stop messing with mother nature and stick to the natures bounties with worms and weeds and all

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