sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011

Saving on organic food

The creation of genetically modified animals the altering of an animal?s genetic codes to make sure that it displays only the expected characteristics and do not possess any undesirable qualities. This is done by the addition of genes from other species, the deletion of undesirable genes or modifying the existing genes to bring certain traits forward. Though chimeras and cross breeds have been pretty much a staple in science fiction novels, nowadays, it is a wide known fact. The popular techniques to create genetically modified animals include pro-nuclear micro-injection, embryonic stem-cell manipulation and nuclear transfer. Genetically modified animals such as rabbits, cows, goats, pigs, rats, mice and cats are created with these techniques to arm them to serve their expected purposes.A study has reveled that in certain strains of genetically modified corn such as MON 810 and MON 863 which are genetically modified corn strains that are resistant to pests and is fortified to withstand weed killer has disrupted the chemistry of the blood of rats that were fed with these strains of genetically modified corn. Other negative symptoms also have been associated with the rats that were fed with genetically modified corn and certain types of maize, for instance, unusual amounts of hormones were found in the blood and urine samples of the rats under the experiments, scientists are thus suggesting such abnormal amounts of hormones may impair kidney and liver function in the long run by consuming genetically modified corn and maize. The female rats that were fed with the genetically modified corn strain of MON 863 had a higher blood sugar levels and raised level of cholesterol known as triglycerides, and both of these symptoms are precursors to diabetes and heart disease.Though there is still no veritable proof of the toxicity associated with genetically modified corn and its produce, the findings of the experiments do prove that they do have some effect and changes in the overall functions of the bodies of the rats who were apart of the experiments, thus researchers are implying that the same effects are a possibility in humans as well but also Saving on organic food.Apart from aiding the development of the medical sciences genetically modified animals are also taking the food and farming industry by storm. For instance, cows can be enhanced to produce more milk, pigs to create leaner bacon and sheep that are able to produce larger quantities of wool. These genetic modifying techniques can also be used effectively to create animals that are resilient to certain diseases that can pass on to humans.

Though genetic engineering techniques such as gene splicing of different species or cloning are generally frowned upon by the public as unethical practices that are against the rules of nature, these very procedures can save certain animals from going extinct and from becoming endangered due to manmade effects. The main dangers associated with genetically modified animals and the techniques used to create them are the risks of misuse and the disruption of natural genetic information. Since most modified farm animals are released out to nature, a lot of people are worried that they may cause disruption to the eco system and the delicate balance of nature with their un-naturally enhanced characteristics. It is considered that with the large amount of genetically modified animals and plants in the world today could lead to the acceleration of genetic erosion, harmful and dangerous mutations as well as the creation of all new diseases that could pose a threat to mankind

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