lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

The genetically modified foods were introduced to the world due to many advantages it has over the conventional foods. As we all know, there is only a limited earth surface suitable for cultivating. Due to the increasing earth population, it is obvious that one day, the food supply will not simply enough to cater the demand. In order to prevent such situation, the scientists have come up with genetically modified foods where they can use for producing more crops using the same amounts of resources. There are a number of benefits of genetically modified foods and let?s have a look at those.Farmers who grow genetically engineered food are greatly benefitted by their added qualities. Some genetically engineered food crops are modified to be able to withstand certain herbicides so that the farmers are able to use them liberally to get rid of weeds while others are created with built in pesticides that repel bugs and other pests. Other genetically engineered food is created with l ong life and resilience to adverse weather conditions in mind. For instance, some species of corns are created to withstand the harsh chill of winter and to keep them from rotting in heavy rains. Other species such as tomatoes which are one of the first vegetables to be engineered are modified to have a more vibrant colour, better taste and much longer shelf life and consequently .The major disadvantage is the speculation that these pesticides and resilient genes can pass on to consumers to create u desirable conditions for them such as allergies, diseases and cancer. Though any of these effects are yet to be proven or actually reported, genetically engineered food continues to stock up super market aisles and to be purchased over natural foods. Nowadays, over 65 percent of food items are genetically engineered food or made with popular genetically enhanced components such as corn, rapeseed (canola) or soy. Even though reports exist that laboratory animals that have been fed genetically engineered food have suffered considerable organ damage and illnesses, humans are apparently immune to these effects. But the speculation hasn?t died that it may affect the future generations and their genetic makeup.

Though genetic engineering techniques such as gene splicing of different species or cloning are generally frowned upon by the public as unethical practices that are against the rules of nature, these very procedures can save certain animals from going extinct and from becoming endangered due to manmade effects. The main dangers associated with genetically modified animals and the techniques used to create them are the risks of misuse and the disruption of natural genetic information. Since most modified farm animals are released out to nature, a lot of people are worried that they may cause disruption to the eco system and the delicate balance of nature with their un-naturally enhanced characteristics. It is considered that with the large am ount of genetically modified animals and plants in the world today could lead to the acceleration of genetic erosion, harmful and dangerous mutations as well as the creation of all new diseases that could pose a threat to mankind

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